Image result for task iconExercise 1: Vocabulary 

Image result for task iconExercise 2

Image result for task iconExercise 3

Image result for task iconExercise 4

Online shopping, an interactive worksheet by Martinfrancoa

Image result for task iconExercise 5

Advertisement, an interactive worksheet by gisafs

Image result for task iconExercise 6


Image result for task iconExercise 7


Image result for task iconExercise 8


Image result for task iconExercise 9

Image result for task iconExercise 10/strong>

Image result for task iconExercise 11/strong>

Image result for task iconExercise 12

Image result for task iconExercise 13: Speaking

1. Tell us about your family's shopping habits.

2. Which do you prefer - big stores or small shops? Why?

3. What did you like / dislike about shopping with your parents when you were a child?

4. How would you describe a neagtive shopping experience?

5. Do you think you'll do all the shopping online in the future? Explain why.

6. Have you or anyone you know ever sold anything online? 

(If yes) Why did you/ they choose this way?

(If no) Would you ever choose this way? Why/ Why not?

Image result for task iconExercise 14: Picture description

K2 Shopping

Image result for task iconExercise 15: Situation

11 Shopping