Image result for task iconExercise 1: Vocabulary 

Image result for task iconExercise 2

Image result for task iconExercise 3

Image result for task iconExercise 4

Image result for task iconExercise 5

Image result for task iconExercise 6

Image result for task iconExercise 7

Video Camden Fashion, an interactive worksheet by AnnaLeo

Image result for task iconExercise 8

Image result for task iconExercise 9

Image result for task iconExercise 10

Image result for task iconExercise 11

Image result for task iconExercise 12: Speaking

1. What kind of clothes do you wear at school/ work?

How do you decide what clothes to wear on a typical school/ workday?

2. Is it important for you to wear fashionable clothes? Why? Why not?

3. Who or what influences your tastes in clothes? Give us an example!

4. Do you think your tastes in clothes will be the same when you are older? Explain why!

5. Tell us about the last time you went shopping for clothes!

6. Would you buy clothes/ shoes without trying them on? Why/ Why not?

Image result for task iconExercise 13: Picture description

K4 Fashion

Image result for task iconExercise 14: Blog writing

While browsing the internet, you have found an English forum where several people share their opinions about fashion trends. You would like to take part in the discussion, too.

Give your opinion in about 120-140 words writing about

  • your experience with shopping
  • what you usually wear
  • the prices
  • fashion magazines.